Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Death of Liberalism: 12 Myths Debunked in 2009

Myth #1: An African-American President will right all past wrongs.
Myth #2: Zero Population/Environmentalism/Ozone Hole/Global Warming/Climate Change are all man-made crises.
Myth #3: Throwing Money at a problem fixes it.
Myth #4: Threats by Muslims are not to be taken seriously, Americans are the ones who have caused their anger.
Myth #5: Unions like SEIU and other organizations like ACORN are out to help the little guy.
Myth #6: Women need to be saved.
Myth #7: The world will love us once we have a global president.
Myth #8: The Stimulus will give us jobs.
Myth #9: There is still a need for social justice.
Myth #10: If a company is too big to fail, we must put a safety net out to catch them.
Myth #11: Healthcare can be available to all and be free.
Myth #12: Compromising with Liberals will help us gain something, which is better than nothing.

I will not link to what debunked these myths but I will say that President Barack Obama has done more in the last year than Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Sr. and Jr., Dick Cheney, Dan Quayle, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Ross Perot, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh combined in the last 30 years to convince Americans that Liberalism is a flawed and dangerous view of the world.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Jumping the Shark

It happened when to Fonzie when he literally "jumped the shark". Jon and Kate did it when they announced their divorce on tv the day they filed the papers. When Cousin Oliver showed up at the Brady household, they too had jumped the shark.

Yesterday, the Nobel Peace Prize Committee did it when they announced that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. Some say that it was due to the fact that they wanted to pressure the Obama administration into passing Cap-and-Trade. If that were true they could have saved the planet and asked him to come over and pick up the award while he was in the neighborhood last week instead of sending him out there again, burning up more fuel than the prize is worth. Some say that he brought peace to the world through his ideas. Then why has Chicago with over twenty years of Obama's presence continue to fail to be a place where "grass not glass" exists.

The weakest argument here is the one that says, "Those who oppose this nod are just unamerican." They also said that about hoping Chicago did not get the 2016 Olympics and wishing for Obama's failure. Let's set the record straight. It is exactly American. To call a spade a spade has been American from the very beginning. Think of any great American from any part of the political, religious, or intellectual spectrum and decide if they were great because they compromised what they believed or that they stood firm in their beliefs and were immovable.

Everyone who feels that Obama deserved this award has yet to point to one concrete action, if not idea that has led to action, that justifies it. Yet to those who disagree with this award, we should just say, "Whatever" (the most annoying word to Americans according to a recent survey) and move on to more pressing matters like being vigilant in watching what the other hand is doing.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

He sure is good at his job

Here is a snipet of an article quoting Mike Kruglik, Barack Obama's trainer in the Gamaliel Project:

Both the CCRC and the DCP were built on the Alinsky model of community agitation, wherein paid organizers learned how to "rub raw the sores of discontent," in Alinsky's words. One of Obama's early mentors in the Alinsky method was Mike Kruglik, who had this to say to an Ryan Lizza of The New Republic, about Obama:
He was a natural, the undisputed master of agitation, who could engage a room full of recruiting targets in a rapid-fire Socratic dialogue, nudging them to admit that they were not living up to their own standards. As with the panhandler, he could be aggressive and confrontational. With probing, sometimes personal questions, he would pinpoint the source of pain in their lives, tearing down their egos just enough before dangling a carrot of hope that they could make things better.
The agitator's job, according to Alinsky, is first to bring folks to the "realization" that they are indeed miserable, that their misery is the fault of unresponsive governments or greedy corporations, then help them to bond together to demand what they deserve, and to make such an almighty stink that the dastardly governments and corporations will see imminent "self-interest" in granting whatever it is that will cause the harassment to cease. In these methods, euphemistically labeled "community organizing," Obama had a four-year education, which he often says was the best education he ever got anywhere.
Is it any wonder, then, that Obama's Alinsky Jujitsu is making mincemeat of the woman who merely interviewed Alinsky, wrote about him, and spent the next 30 years in corporate law and in the lap of taxpayer-funded luxury in government mansions?


Mike is connected to Jerry Kellman who brought him out to Chicago as we as placing the Comunity organizer ad that caught Barack Obama's eye. Gregory Galluzzo and Mary Gonzales found Gamaliel and had an agreement to work with Jerry Kellman.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Branches of the Tree

Glenn talked about the Valarie Jarette branch yesterday. I have been looking into the roots of this movement, the Conservative Vice Lords of Chicago founded in 1967, and who supported them in their first attempt to "community organize". I started out looking at the Roosevelt Foundation since Glenn had mentioned them in relation to Van Jones. Then I hit the Jackpot. The Roosevelt Foundation gave them $15,000 today's equivalent of $170,000+. I looked down the list and looked and saw that the Ford Foundation gave them $150,000 today's equivalent of more than $1.5 million. Quite a bit more of an investment there.

Then I found out a direct link to that group for Obama. You know that job that his mother had to get to in Indonesia, the one that made Barack have to study at 4:30 am everyday, it was with the Ford Foundation. Their next door neighbor, Fran Korten, worked with her and knew her when Brack was away at college in the States. She and her husband, David Korten, an author of several "community organization" books , run [u][b]Yes![/b][/u] a very liberal magazine from WA. The magazine, www.yesmagazine.org, ran a very interesting article on Van Jones and one was titled, "Van Jones is a Patriot". I also found out that Danny Glover is on the board of this magazine.

This is not a huge earth shaking link but is just another example of how radicals seem to flock around our current president and you know what they say, "Birds of a feather, flock together."
Another branch, really root I want to look into a little more is the money. If Glenn wants to stop corruption in this government, he needs to take a deep look at U.S.A.I.D. It is the where a lot of money is being funneled to these organizations that support leftist causes through our government. Guess who runs this organization? The Secretary of State decides how U.S.A.I.D. fund money is spent. I'll keep digging, but anyone else who wants to pick up a shovel can join in as well.

One more interesting detail about the Ford Foundation is that it sponsors www.OneWorld.net, news organization that takes stories about social justice, green movement stuff, and unions. Yesterday they had a story about human trafficking from Africa to Italy. No mention about ACORN though.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Hope and Change Need Not Apply

In a Previous post I posted the initial organizations that contributed in the late 1960's to the Conservative Vice Lords which were:

Rockefeller Foundation $15,000
Operation Bootstrap Matched
Field Foundation $25,000
Ford Foundation $130,000
Department of Labor $36,000
W. Clement Stone $60,000

A few of these foundations have links to Barack Obama today. Rockefeller Foundation endorsed Barack Obama. Christina Ichen was Directer of Field Foundation is his Director of Public Liaison and he was on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge board with Handy Lindsey, Jr. who was president of the Illinois Field Foundation.

The biggest link is that of the Ford Foundation. They were looking for big results from the Conservative Vice Lords judging from the size of their donation, which in todays money was well over a million and a half dollars. When searching to see if their is any link between them and Obama, I came across a few articles (some that went into conspiracy Manchiruan Candidate stuff) but it looks as if there is enough evidence to support the facts that Barack Obama's mother worked for the Ford Foundation in Indonesia and also worked there with Peter F. Geithner, the father of Timothy Geithner. You could say, well that wasn't at the same time but Barack Obama was around 21 while she worked there according to their neighbor Fran Korten.

All of these Foundations have ties to USAID, which is run by the State Department and have direct ties to Peter Geithner and Ann Soetoro. I plan on looking into that on another blog.

I have also been looking into the TransCentury Corporation which also has very strong ties to USAID. TransCentury was the organization that sent David Dawley out to Chicago to pioneer community organizing with the Vice Lords. It was founded by one of the founders of the Peace Corps, Warren Wiggens and a man named Richard Irish, who latewr ran the Club for Growth PAC.

The Bottom Line: These organizations that were alive and well in Chicago in the 1960's, were there in the 1980's, and are still there today. Did they nudge Barack Obama to where he is today? What are their agendas and motives? In light of what is coming out of ACORN recently, can researching what the aims of these same organizations were in the 60's help with what they aim to do today? Some of it is pretty scary stuff for another blog.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Obama Talks to kids

Luckily for our district they have decided to tape his speech and each teacher has their own choice about it. I could not quite get my finger on why this whole thing creeped me out. Then I remembered th question, "How can I help Barack Obama?"

We tell our kids to run away from adults who ask for their help because they are a stranger danger!!! What do we say about the grown man who wants help finding his puppy or asks for directions fro ma little kid. This is why it creeps me out.

*****Who were the first community organizers in Chicago? Who funded them?***

In Street Gangs: A Secret History, we are introduced to Bobby Gore andDavid Dawley. They formed the first corporation made out of a street gang.

Bobby Gore--- Was a Vice Lord member and helped form the ConservativeVice Lord Corporation. With People Nation.

David Dawley---Went to Dartmouth in 1957 Helped set up the Corporation

Conservative Vice Lords Corporation-- Set up to make their ganglegitimate and was heavily funded by several grants.

Street Gangs: A Secret History-- on History Channel documentary (veryone sided and ignores the political gangs at the end of 18th century)

Rockefeller Foundation gave the vice lords their first $15,000 grant. Have ties to Van Jones.

They then applied for, and received, a $15,000 grant from theRockefeller Foundation, which was matched with an equal amount fromthe corporate members of Operation Bootstrap. This was followed by$25,000 from the Field Foundation, $130,000 from the Ford Foundation,$36,000 from the Department of Labor, and $60,000 from philanthropistW. Clement Stone. These groups saw partnership with the Vice Lords asa way to reach those most desperately in need. As Bobby Gore, gangspokesperson, put it, “We are of the same community and on the samelevel as community people. The average man in the street can’tarticulate to people wearing ties.” from the following site:http://www.blackinformant.com/remember/when-conservative-wasnt-a-dirty-word


Tell people to watch the history channel and History international,there are a lot of leads to point people in the right direction.There are many documentaries that are made by liberal people and theyreveal how they really feel and what their game plan really is about.

Kim Hopper
B.A. in History

P.S.: For a real hoot check out Dan Rather and his take on Star Wars, what it says about a fascist overthrow of America on Star Wars: LegacyRevealed !!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Electing the Unelectable

People have been talking about the Czars that President Obama has been appointing a lot lately. In a town hall meeting yesterday, Senator McCain was asked a question about them. He said they were a clear play to circumvent the Congress. He hinted at the possibility that there might be some legislation addressing this issue once the Congress reconvenes. I hope so.

This whole thing has bugged me and I could not figure out why until Glenn Beck pointed out that these positions white wash these radicals.(Not his words, mine.) By giving them a position in the White House, they can for the rest of their lives put on their resume, I worked in the White House for the President of the United States.

My concern is that these people could not get elected dog catcher any where. Some who are felons, could not even vote. Some are very young but now have a leg up on the competition because who else in the world at age 33, 27, or 34 is running a program where they are in charge of the distribution of hundreds of billions of dollars, making policy about the role of religion (or at least certain religions) and government, or running America or keeping America's cyber world secure?

Is this also planting the seeds for other candidates to follow Obama? Does he see himself as a martyr, being so radical as to only be a one term president but because of his "vision for America", has had long and deep coattails that will help these czars to not only further their agendas but legitimize them and thus thrust them into the political field? Is that why he acts as if he could care less about those who oppose him and calls them racists? Will the anger that ensures, fed by these radicals, when "Racist Americans" can only tolerate a socialist black man for one term, elevate one of these czars to take his place, bypassing the usual channels of political escalation? These are my questions and only time will tell how this whole thing plays out.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Around the Net

readthebill.org - Tell congress to take the time to read the bill. Shorter bills would also be nice.

usdebtclock.org - Can we afford to continue passing these bills? How long will this system hold out?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Monday August 17, 2009 PHX

I woke up early on Monday and headed out to carpool up to Phoenix to join the Health care Debate. As soon as we exited the parking garage, we saw the purple SEIU shirted people observing their group on the street corner. We took a sharp right two blocks over and joined the people who were protesting health care. There were probably 2000 people there greeting the Veterans as they arrived at their conference. Cars were honking support, politicians were campaigning, people were chatting with one another. One guy with one megaphone in one hand and a flag in the other lead the group in chanting slogans for our cause.

Then I spotted the Don't Tread on Me flag that had the Confederate Flag field. I leaned over to one of the gals in our group and said, "With all the people here, the only thing that will be mentioned is that some racist brought an offensive flag." Sure enough, of the 25 pictures the AZ Rep put out only about 5 or so pictures were of those opposed to the Obama Health care solution one being that flag.

Then we moved down to a town hall meeting put on by KFYI and J.D. Heyworth. We got lost and ended up in the organized moving line of the SEIU sponsored support group. There were young women in white shirts that looked like they were on summer internship or something. They would start yelling at us to "Stay in Line" and "Get over here!!!" We had our own home made signs and were not wearing the stickers and shirts that had been handed out earlier. They were so insistent that we had to forcefully yell back, "We are NOT with you!!!" It was just so bizarre. I wish that I had taped the whole thing.

The Town meeting was a lot of fun. We saw a few of our local current and previous politicians and heard from drs as well. We sat and chatted for awhile and listened to the goings on inside.

Then we strolled out to the main staging area. We were on one side and I would have to say that 75% were bused in on the other side. The way you could tell was when the police told us that the President had left, they starting leaving again in organized lines lead by the women in white shirts who had name tags. A veteran on our side brought out his flag (along with numerous others of various sizes), there were none to be seen on the other side until someone came by with flags still in their bags from the local store and hurriedly pulled them out of their wrapping like they were some kind of sheet to prove that they were patriotic too. It was bizarre.

I had been watching this on TV for the past two or three weeks and thought, "OK, maybe a bus or two pulled up to these events." No that is not the case. They run these events, it is very calculated and organized. They would send people over like the guy from Amnesty International to film us and take our pictures. Most of the people in the group looked like victims but outside the group there was always someone in a suit or business dress watching and texting.

I have been to other gatherings like this as well and hope to go to several more. This one just opened my eyes to how calculated this whole thing is.